Local MP challenges ‘March for England’ decision to come to Brighton

The ‘March for England’ does huge damage to Brighton & Hove’s local traders and businesses and the disruption impacts on local residents, as well as the city's tourist visitors.  Many local people object to the event’s associations, and as a consequence participate in the large counter-protest.

Caroline Lucas, MP for Brighton Pavilion said:

“The EDL march has been told it’s not welcome in our city. Sadly, they are determined to come.

“They are coming to Brighton because our multicultural city, in all its diversity, proves that their own doctrine of hate is wrong. When someone tries to threaten our community we must stand united and here in Brighton we stand together to reject the politics of hatred."

Caroline Lucas will be attending the counter protest to send a clear message that the ‘March for England’s message of intolerance and hatred is not welcome in Brighton.

Notes for editors

For further information, please contact Mike Eames on 07590 050 565 or at mike.eames@greenparty.org.uk


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