Letter to Andrew Selous MP - Tara Hudson

Andrew Selous MP

Parliamentary Under Secretary of State

Ministry of Justice

102 Petty France




Date: 28th October 2015


Dear Andrew,

I am writing to you about Tara Hudson who has been sentenced to 12 weeks in an all-male prison in Bristol.

Tara is transgender and has identified as female for the past 6 years. The decision to put Tara in an all-male prison is extremely concerning and does not take into consideration the varying complexities and barriers to obtaining a Gender Recognition Certificate.

I am also deeply concerned that Tara may be placed into solitary confinement. This is not an appropriate solution to manage those whose gender identities are not heteronormative and I firmly believe that this will have serious consequences for Tara’s mental health.

I urge you to look into her case and place Tara in a female prison as a matter of urgency.

I look forward to hearing your thoughts on this matter.

Yours sincerely, 

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