Letter to Norman Baker, MP, Transport Minister

Letter to Norman Baker, MP, Transport Minister

Norman Baker MP

Department for Transport
Great Minster House
33 Horseferry Road


19 September 2013

Dear Norman

I was pleased to hear your announcement earlier this week of a plan to trial season tickets for part-time workers as part of the flexible ticketing programme. I am writing to ask that you consider the Brighton to London line as the pilot for this plan.

This kind of flexibility would reflect the realities of modern working life and would be of great benefit to part-time commuters in my constituency. It would help lessen the impact of fares that are already too high on household budgets that are already too stretched.

In particular, it would be of benefit to the many parents for whom childcare commitments mean that part-time work is preferable move towards such employment.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Yours sincerely


Caroline Lucas, MP, Brighton Pavilion






Caroline Lucas MP

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