Letter to Richard Benyon MP, Parliamentary Under-secretary of State, DEFRA

Letter to Richard Benyon MP, Parliamentary Under-secretary of State, DEFRA


Richard Benyon MP
Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State
Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs
Nobel House
Smith Square

7th September 2011

Dear Richard,

I am writing to urge you to put pressure on the Icelandic Government to end all whaling in its waters, including that done for scientific research. I understand that the United States Commerce Secretary recently declared that Iceland is undermining the effectiveness of the International Whaling Commission (IWC). As you will appreciate, this ruling was an important step and clears the way for President Obama, and other heads of Government, to put pressure on Iceland to end the hunting of species such as the endangered fin whale by imposing strong economic sanctions, including those which specifically target those companies that are hunting whales.

Iceland has been flouting the international moratorium on whaling for years and it is clear to me that whaling in Icelandic waters will not stop until clear condemnation, backed up by sanctions, is voiced by important trading partners like the US and UK. Therefore, I urge you to strongly condemn any whale hunting in Icelandic waters, and to work with international partners to put sanctions in place against those who continue this unnecessary and inhumane practice against endangered species.

Yours sincerely,


Caroline Lucas, MP, Brighton Pavilion

Read the Minister's reply






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