Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Affairs
The Rt Hon Elizabeth Truss MP
28 March 2022
Dear Foreign Secretary,
I am writing to you ahead of the Pledging Summit for Afghanistan later this week to urge the following:
- for the UK Government to provide clear and explicit information on how UK funds pledged through the World Bank and UN managed funding instruments in Afghanistan will support and involve Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs). With civil society organisations (CSOs) leading the humanitarian responses to the needs of Afghans on the ground, it is critical that the international community use the opportunity afforded by the Pledging Summit to ensure they are supported.
- for the UK government to ensure the Summit establishes concrete commitments to solving the liquidity crisis, by resuming the core functions of the Afghan central bank and stabilising the broader economy – noting that this need not entail any political recognition of the Taliban.
- for the UK government to utilise the Summit to develop a clearer and more coherent stance amongst donor governments regarding the achievement of basic human rights and protection for Afghan citizens. It is also vital to ensure the involvement of Afghan women’s rights activists and civil society networks representing at-risk sections of society are at the core of the approach adopted by the UK and other donors.
I remain extremely concerned about the UK's response to the crisis in Afghanistan. Whilst I recognise that there are some complexities on the ground, I hope that the Summit will provide an opportunity for you to work with the Home Office to look again at your response to those stranded in Afghanistan who are British nationals, their Afghan family members, and the immediate family members of my constituents, as well as Chevening scholars, all of whom are still struggling to get timely support from the UK Government.
Yours sincerely,
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