MPs will vote later today on government proposals to allow same sex couples to marry, in what Caroline Lucas MP has described as a "momentous occasion".
The Brighton Pavilion MP confirmed her support for the legislation, calling on other MPs to use this chance to make history.
She also backed further reaching reform to allow everyone – same sex and opposite sex couples – to choose both civil partnerships or marriage.
Caroline Lucas MP said:
"While the Conservative catfight over today’s vote will fade into insignificance, the momentous occasion on which MPs were given the chance to stand up for equality in marriage will be remembered for many years to come.
"The majority of the public sees no reason why people of the same sex who love each other and want to marry should not be able to do so – and despite claims to the contrary, this legislation will not force any faith groups to conduct gay marriages.
"Like many of the constituents who have written to me on this issue, I support the aims of the government’s proposed legislation and will therefore vote ‘yes’ to same sex marriage in Parliament."
Caroline continued:
"However, while I’ll be voting for equal marriage, I’ll also be calling for more far reaching reform to allow everyone – same sex and opposite sex couples – to enjoy a civil partnership or marriage, as they choose.
"This is a question of equal love. It’s not about asking for special treatment for gay couples or straight couples, it’s about everyone enjoying the same rights regardless of their sexuality."
Councillor Phélim Mac Cafferty, Deputy Leader of Brighton and Hove City Council added:
"Greens have historically argued that all couples, regardless of their gender or sexuality, should be allowed to marry.
"A vote on equal marriage in the Houses of Parliament marks an historic milestone in the campaign for genuine equality for LGBT people.
"However, we believe the proposals to ban the Church of England from conducting same-sex marriage unfairly discriminate against Anglicans who wish to have their love recognised in the same building they worship in.
"It's also unfair and discriminatory to continue to bar opposite-sex couples from civil partnerships - and Greens will carry on campaigning on this basis."
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