Housing need and street homelessness in Brighton and Hove are getting worse, according to Green MEP Caroline Lucas.
"As the economy falters the Government is failing to guarantee one
of the most basic human rights of all: the right to a home - and that's
inexcusable," said Sussex Euro-MP Caroline Lucas.
The Green Party MEP made her comments after signing a European
Written Declaration - the Brussels' Parliament's equivalent of an Early
Day Motion
in the House of Commons - calling for EU action to stamp out street homelessness by 2015.
"Homelessness across the UK is getting worse - as costs for all
basic commodities, including food and fuel as well as housing, rise,
but wages and
benefits stand still, we're seeing more and more people pushed onto the streets or a life of 'sofa-surfing'.
"At the same time we're seeing more and more properties left empty
as a result of 'buy-to-let' and even 'buy to leave empty' schemes', and
getting harder for housing associations to raise funds for new developments as the credit crunch bites."
Dr Lucas joined MEPs from across the EU - and a range of political
groups - to demand the EU comes up with a strategic plan, binding on
all member
states, to eradicate all street homelessness by 2015.
The Written Declaration, which has now become official parliamentary
policy, recognises that adequate housing is a fundamental human right,
and that
homelessness can prevent people overcoming poverty and exclusion more generally.
She added: "I am delighted my fellow MEPs have adopted a strong position on homelessness calling for immediate action from all EU member states.
"It's especially needed here in the UK.
"Where the number of empty properties, and homeless families, is on the rise, and here in Brighton where the problem of street homelessness appears to be getting worse, as a walk through the city centre shows.
"Street homelessness is just the tip of the iceberg. Many thousands
of city residents are living in poor or insecure accommodation - the
council's own
figures show that barely a half of 'social housing' in the city meets
the Government's 'Decent Homes Standard', and many more are only able
to dream
of ever moving out of their parents' house and buying a home of their own.
"We need urgent action to reinvigorate the housing market, and we must explore alternative schemes like Community Land Trusts and Co-operative Housing schemes here in Brighton and Hove as a matter of urgency."
For more information please contact Ben on 07973 823358 or at ben@greenmeps.org.uk
Ben Duncan
Sussex Media Officer to Caroline Lucas MEP
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