Cameron should give Tories a free vote on Syria bombing

Caroline Lucas, the Green MP for Brighton Pavilion, has backed Jeremy Corbyn on his decision to allow a free vote on UK airstrikes in Syria. She is calling on David Cameron to offer the Tories a free vote too.  In a debate in Parliament in 2013 both Lucas and Corbyn called for free votes on issues concerning the deployment of armed forces. [1]

Lucas said:

“Jeremy Corbyn is right to call for a free vote on this issue.

“David Cameron should now follow Corbyn’s lead and trust his MPs to vote according to their conscience, and the evidence presented to them, rather than the party whip. The debate on such crucial issues is greatly diminished when MPs are subjected to the pressure of the whips offices. 

“I also support calls for a two day debate on whether or not the UK should be involved in airstrikes in Syria. It’s a deeply complex issue, and the Government should be subject to the intense scrutiny required to ensure that the best possible decision is made.”

Lucas also reiterated her opposition to British airstrikes on Syria, based on the evidence she has seen [2]:

"Last week I listened carefully to the Prime Minister make his case for why the UK should join the bombing campaign against Isis. The debate in the House of Commons was thorough, and the horror and revulsion at recent atrocities in Syria, Paris, Beirut and elsewhere is shared by MPs from across the political divide. 

"Yet I have still to see any evidence to suggest that UK bombing Isis targets in Syria is likely to increase our security here in Britain or help bring about a lasting peace in the region in question - to the contrary, the evidence appears to suggest it would make matters worse."


Contact: Matthew Butcher on 07885 359 904


[2] Caroline outlined her position earlier today in a piece for the Huffington Post:

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