The Prime Minister has used his Cabinet shuffle to shift the Government to the Right - a setback for progressive policy in key departments like health and the environment, said Brighton's Green MP today.
Caroline Lucas, MP for Brighton Pavilion, said:
“Cameron’s Cabinet shuffle looks like one big lurch to the Right.
"We have a new Secretary of State for Health who voted to limit abortion from 24 to 12 weeks and has called the NHS a 60 year mistake; Chris Grayling for justice, who once compared crime on British streets to The Wire and believes Christian B&B owners should be allowed to turn away gay couples; and on the environment, an anti green advocate of fracking who supports a third runway at Heathrow.
"Unfortunately, the one Cabinet member who should have been shuffled out is still in post – despite the fact his economic policy is in tatters.
"Until Chancellor George Osborne is replaced with someone who accepts that we can’t cut our way out of recession and is willing to invest in jobs to get the economy moving, real change will remain out of reach.”
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