With support from tens of thousands of people across the country, including Russell Brand, Richard Branson, drug policy experts, and the campaign community Avaaz, the petition hit 100,000 signatures this morning. This means that Caroline's call for an independent assessment of the 1971 Misuse of Drugs Act will be debated in Parliament.
Caroline said:
“The Misuse of Drugs Act is hopelessly out of date. It has never been reviewed, or undergone a cost-benefit analysis. In England and Wales alone, an estimated £3billion a year is spent fighting the war on drugs, to little effect. Over half of the people in prison are thought to have serious drug problems, and yet we continue to fail to treat drug addiction as the serious health problem it is.
“I’m absolutely delighted that so many people have sent a clear message to the Government that we need a fresh approach. Today we have achieved an enormous step towards an evidence-based drugs strategy.”
View Caroline’s blog on the topic: http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/caroline-lucas/drug-law-policy_b_4767891.html?utm_hp_ref=uk&ir=UK
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