The Green Party has responded to Jeremy Corbyn’s statement that Labour MPs will be asked to vote in favour of triggering Article 50 [1]. Caroline Lucas MP, Green Party co-leader, will be voting against the triggering of Article 50 [2].
Lucas said:
“Theresa May’s Brexit speech this week has underlined that her vision for Britain is not one in which social and environmental justice take centre stage. Yanking the UK out of the single market is reckless and the Prime Minister is taking an extreme gamble with our future. Jeremy Corbyn is now trying to deny Labour MPs the chance to make their own principled choice on one of the most important decisions of the UK’s recent history.
“This isn’t about ignoring the result of the referendum, it’s about May interpreting a slim majority in favour of leaving as a mandate to sacrifice our economy on the altar of ending free movement. It's astonishing that Labour are willing to effectively grant the Government that mandate rather than making the case for a future in which the benefits of a close relationship with the EU are more fairly and equally shared. Corbyn's decision to whip his MPs makes him complicit in a move which will likely increase inequality and social isolation across Britain - for those who voted both Leave and Remain.”
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