Thirty years on from a momentous vote that took place in Brighton to suspend the hunting of whales worldwide, the city is playing host to Whalefest 2012, the biggest whale, dolphin and marine gathering in the world.
On 27th-28th October, Whalefest 2012 will take place at the Hilton Metropole, the very same building where in 1982 the environmental movement gathered and lobbied the world’s governments attending the International Whaling Commission conference.
This weekend celebrates 30 years since whaling was banned in Brighton.
Brighton was the place where some of the last captive dolphins held in Britain were released to be returned to the wild in the Caribbean, so has played an important role for these animals.
Many people believe that the whaling ban thirty years ago marked a pivotal moment for Brighton and Hove, contributing towards its reputation as a forward-thinking and eco-conscious city.
Caroline Lucas, MP for Brighton Pavilion, who will attend WhaleFest today, said:
“I am delighted that Brighton will play host for WhaleFest 2012. The ‘Save the Whale’ campaigns of the 1970s culminated in a global vote taken in 1982 at the Hilton Metropole to suspend whaling.
“Here we showed the world that whales matter, and WhaleFest aims to make that message loud again.
“I welcome the world’s whale watchers, charities, trip operators, artists, experts, children and more to Brighton for the largest celebration and expo about wild whales and dolphins there has ever been. “
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