* Lucas says ministers must also 'kick further airport expansion into the dust'.
Caroline Lucas MP will travel to Paris today to join campaigners and Green politicians from across Europe in pushing for the strongest possible deal at the COP21 negotiations.
Lucas is calling for the COP21 conference to put ‘warm words’ into serious climate action. She recently tabled a number of Parliamentary Questions to the Government, probing them on their commitment to keeping warming to within 1.5 degrees. [1] The response by the minister Andrea Leadsom suggests that the Government is open to this option. She said: “The Government supports the 'below 2 degrees’ objective, and recognises the need to keep the temperature rise as low as possible below 2C, including the possibility of staying below 1.5 degrees.”
Caroline Lucas MP said:
“The progress so far has been promising, but a number of serious concerns remain with the text under negotiation. With a goal of limiting climate change to 1.5 degrees still on the table, it’s now crucial that mechanisms are put in place to ensure that the outcome of the Paris conference is more than just warm words.
“A clear commitment to a rapid transition away from fossil fuels will send the signal to investors that they need. That means 100% renewable energy by 2050, and deeper carbon cuts over the next five years. Ministers must once and for all stand up to the fossil fuel industry and put people’s lives before polluters’ profit.
“It’s also crucial that emissions from shipping and aviation are part of the final text. Leaving these two highly polluting sectors out of the agreement will call into questions the robustness of any emissions targets.
“Ultimately, this is about climate justice. That’s why Ministers must also ensure human rights at the heart of the final Paris Protocol, and rich countries must pledge their fair share of finance.
Lucas on Heathrow:
Ahead of a likely announcement on Heathrow airport later today Caroline Lucas:
“If the Government’s commitment to tackling climate change is as strong as their words, then today they must kick further airport expansion into the dust, rather than the long grass.”
[1] Caroline latest PQs can be found here: http://www.parliament.uk/business/publications/written-questions-answers-statements/written-questions-answers//?page=1&max=20&questiontype=AllQuestions&house=commons&member=3930
Caroline will arrive in Paris this evening and be available for interview on Friday and Saturday morning. To organise an interview please contact her press officer, Matthew Butcher on 07885 459 904 / 07745 706 480 / clucasmedia@parliament.uk
Natalie Bennett will also be travelling to Paris. She will be at the national office of Europe Écologie-Les Verts (EELV), 6 Bis Rue Chaudron (10th arrondissement) at 16.00 CET / 15.00 GMT on Friday (11 November)
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