It will mean that work to modernise the hospital can start in the coming months. Those leading the project believe it could be complete by 2024.
Caroline Lucas, MP for Brighton Pavilion said:
“This is fantastic news for the city and a real success for the strong cross-party community campaign. Brighton and Hove deserves a 21st century hospital and a strong NHS that puts the public first.
“We’ve worked so hard for this essential redevelopment and I will be keeping up the pressure to ensure that there are no more unnecessary delays from the Treasury as the project goes forward.”
The current buildings on the Royal Sussex County site are amongst the oldest in the NHS and date back to the 19th century which is impacting on the quality of overall patient care.
The huge scheme will mean the demolition of the original hospital – the Barry Building in Eastern Road in Kemp Town. Another 19th century building, the Jubilee Building, from the later, Victorian era, will also be demolished.
An extra 100 beds will be added to the existing 753 beds the trust provides. In addition to the full range of surgical support for major trauma and emergencies, the new development will also involve transferring neuroscience treatment such as brain surgery to Brighton and upgrading the Sussex Cancer Centre.
The proposal received unanimous planning approval from Brighton and Hove City Council in January 2012.
The project will be fully financed from public funds out of the Department of Health’s capital investment budget. It will not rely on controversial Private Finance Initiative (PFI) funding.
Notes for editors
Media: for more information please contact Mike Eames on 07590 050 565
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