It's a special edition of The Big Issue this week, coinciding with the tabling of the Future Generations Bill by me and Big Issue founder, John Bird. He will introduce in the House of Lords, while I aim to do so in the Commons.
John Bird explains the Future Generations Bill, [] while I talk about how we can re-build our broken democracy [].
There's also a fascinating discussion between me and Yanis Varoufakis on democracy, its origins and its future, an extract from Naomi Klein's new book, On Fire: The burning case for a Green New Deal, and Brian May talking about his childhood in Letter to my Younger Self. Not to mention contributions by Green MEP Magid Magid and Fatima Ibrahim, co-executive director of Green New Deal UK.
It was fascinating putting the magazine together, with support from the Big Issue team. I hope you enjoy it.
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