Public meeting - The Independent Drugs Commission for Brighton & Hove

 Final review meeting

The Independent Drugs Commission for Brighton & Hove



Your opportunity to discuss and inform debate on reducing drug related harm in the city

VENUE: Jubilee Library, Jubilee St, Brighton

TIME: Tuesday, May 13th 2014 – 10.30am to 11.30am.


Caroline Lucas MP, Peter James (Commission Chair),

Mike Trace (Commission Vice-Chair).

As in many towns and cities across the country, Brighton and Hove has long had a challenge in minimising the harm associated with drug use.

The Independent Drugs Commission for Brighton & Hove, a panel including health and policing experts, was brought together by Caroline Lucas, the MP for Brighton Pavilion constituency, to identify ways to reduce this harm, including the high rate of drug-related deaths in the city.

The Commission presented its report and recommendations a year ago, and was invited to return to the city last month to review the extent to which the City Council and other local agencies had implemented its recommendations.

These included ensuring information and services meet the diverse demographic of people using drugs and consideration of the feasibility of a consumption room to reduce drug-related overdoses.

This is your opportunity to ask the Commission questions including whether local agencies have respond adequately as well as to put your point of view.

Spaces will be limited, and allocated on a first come, first served basis, so please confirm your place by email to

For more information please contact Office of Caroline Lucas MP 01273 201130





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