The weekly surgery

People often ask how I divide my time between Brighton and Westminster.

They're frequently shocked when they hear about the late sitting hours of Parliament.

In spite of some reforms, on both Mondays and Tuesdays, Parliament generally sits until 10.30pm - something that I'm working with other MPs to try to change.

So while I get to spend the first half of Mondays on constituency business in Brighton, I'm usually at Westminster from the early afternoon.

Parliamentary sessions on Wednesdays and Thursdays are a bit more reasonable, usually ending at 7.30pm and 6.30pm respectively, allowing me to get to some meetings in the constituency once I get back (always assuming no problems with the trains... ).  

Friday is my main constituency day, and a key part of my schedule is the weekly surgery.

The surgeries are always busy.

They're sometimes sad or frustrating - but they're never ever dull!

People book appointments for a range of reasons.

Some people come in over individual issues where an intervention by their Member of Parliament could make a difference.

Some people want to talk about policy issues: giving their own perspective or wanting to hear more about mine.

Whatever the reason for the appointment, surgeries add up to an important anchor.

They give a unique insight into what's happening locally and are a great opportunity to spend time with constituents.

They're also incredibly valuable in informing my work, and it's particularly satisfying to follow up an appointment with action that brings a change for the better in someone's life.

Obviously this isn't always possible.

And where it isn't, I look at whether I can influence policy or hold the Government to account in other ways.

This year, alongside the office-based surgeries, I'll be continuing to hold street surgeries to hear what people have to say right across Brighton Pavilion.

For details - or to find out more about my work in general - sign up to my e-bulletin by adding your email address in the green box on the home page of this site.

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