The Beautiful Rose Hill Tavern in Brighton is under threat. The pub, which has been in business since the 1870s, is an important part of the local community but it’s threatened with closure as developers want to turn the building into luxury flats.
The closure of the Rose Hill comes at a time when pubs across the country are facing tough times. The UK has lost 21,000 pubs since 1980. Half of these closures have taken place since 2006.
The good news for regulars at the Rose Hill is that the local community has come up with a solution: they want to buy the pub themselves. The Campaign has already won recognition of The Rose Hill Tavern as a ‘Community Asset’ but to truly protect is they need all the help they can get. In the coming weeks local people will be able to buy shares and invest in a real asset to their community.
We have just two months to save this legendary local pub: to find out more about the campaign, and to pledge your support, visit:
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