Letter to Nicky Morgan MP - Free School Meals

To the Rt Hon. Nicky Morgan MP 

Secretary of State for Education 

House of Commons 




6th October 2015 


Dear Nicky,

I am writing regarding the deeply concerning reports that the Chancellor is considering scrapping free school meals for 4-7 year olds, in the upcoming November Spending Review.  I have, of course, since heard, that David Cameron has indicated that Universal Infant Free School Meals will not be cut.   I have received many emails from constituents, who support the policy, and I am glad that the Prime Minister has bowed to the huge pressure brought to bear from so many quarters, from the public, from health professionals, from teachers.  Nonetheless, Prime-ministerial pronouncements must be backed up by a formal commitment.

I have noted the Government response to the public petition on this matter, pasted below, for ease of reference and it does not directly state whether the Infant Free School Meal scheme will be cut.

Therefore the purpose of this email, is to call for an unequivocal statement on the Parliamentary record to formally rule out this, frankly appalling, suggested move. 

In response to arguments that wealthier parents can afford school meals. Of course this is the case. However, their contribution can be clawed back via a progressive income tax system.  Secondly, all the evidence shows that this is about nutrition as well as ability to pay for food, and packed lunches often do not meet the nutritional standards of a hot cooked meal.  And thirdly, there is also the benefit of reducing stigma, and the instances where mainly disadvantaged children have school dinners.  The policy instead creates a culture of eating together and sharing a meal.  In my view, this policy should be more than just protected, it should be expanded to cover more children. 

I should be grateful for your response.

Yours sincerely,


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