Nick Gibb MP
Minister of State for Schools
Department for Education
Sanctuary Buildings
Great Smith Street
Date: February 12th 2016
Dear Nick,
I am writing to express concerns about the Department of Education’s proposal to revise the School Admissions Code to exclude civil society groups from lodging of complaints about school admission practices.
I think such groups play a valuable role in promoting the equality and fairness of school admission practices- - and there is good evidence to back this up, including an investigation by the British Humanist Society and Fair Admissions Campaign into breaches of the Admissions Code and the Equality Act 2010 in an unbiased sample of faith schools,
This research found that 85% of all objections submitted were upheld. If such complaints are not permitted in future that a considerable number of misapplications of the Code that will go unaddressed.
The proposed changes risk fostering a permissive environment in which schools are able to flout the code with impunity. I understand that there is a delicate balance to be made in this situation and in particular to avoid infringing upon the rights of religious communities to practice their faith. However, that balance cannot be struck by closing down the right to object to unjust practices or discrimination. Moreover, this move seems at odd with the Government’s usual support for parental rights.
This is not about religion – it’s about transparency, equality, and the expectation that all state-funded schools can be held fully to account in relation to the School Admissions Code.
I look forward to your response.
Yours sincerely,
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