Brighton meeting with rail bosses, 7th July

It’s no exaggeration to say that hundreds of people have contacted me about the extent to which passengers are being let down on the rail network, day in and day out. This is a huge issue for Brighton & Hove and I want my constituents to have the opportunity to speak directly with those who bear some responsibility.

Meeting details are as follows:

Thursday, 7th July

7.30 – 9pm

Suite 1, Jury’s Inn hotel, BN1 4DJ (for a map see

Attending from GTR will be:

  • Alex Foulds, Passenger Services Director
  • David Coates, Head of Stations at Southern
  • Piero McCarthy, Head of Conductors and On Board

I hope you can make it. If you’re coming, please would you contact me at my constituency office to let me know, so I can have an idea of numbers -


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