Can't stop smiling today since I heard the news that E.ON has shelved its project at Kingsnorth (! Since the project was mooted in 2006 there has been an amazing ongoing campaign against it. For everyone who has been part of the struggle - especially those of us who witnessed the extraordinarily aggressive policing at climate camp last year - this is almost too good to be true.
But lets keep our feet on the ground...This might only be a postponement, and it falls far short of the justice-led example of government leadership we need. Coal needs to stay in the ground and with Kingnorth down, our attentions must turn to E.ON's hub of 'clean coal' greenwash - Ratcliffe on Soar, Nottingham (
If we in the UK are serious about moving beyond our dependence on coal - which currently provides 33% of the our energy - we need decisive action at a governmental level. Tomorrow I'm visiting the camp at the Vestas Blades Factory on the Isle of Wight. Here was the UK's only sizeable turbine factory closing for lack of UK-based orders- yet it's an industry which should be at the heart of the governments efforts to ensure a just-transition to a post-carbon society . The market for wind-energy needs to grow fast. It needs to be government-funded and incentivized, and needs to be seen as a real opportunity for mass job creation.
Here in Brighton and Hove we have two Wind Turbine projects in the pipeline - potentially involving 11 turbines around the Shoreham Habour area (on and offshore) and 3 turbines off Brighton Pier. Schemes like this have the potential to be a source of employment for huge numbers of people. Show your solidarity with the 600 Vestas workers who lost their jobs in July and support your local wind-energy project!
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