Web victory

I'm very pleased that our sustained campaigning around web users' rights has paid off with the European Parliament and EU Council this week agreeing on an important compromise text regarding the protection of internet users’ rights in cases of alleged copyright infringement involving online file-sharing.

The Greens have been working hard to fight off attempts by Lord Mandelson (amongst others) to disable people's internet connections if they are found to be downloading content illegally up to three times. The proposals can only be described as draconian and threaten fundamental freedom of expression rights on the internet.This successful lobbying will benefit - even if many are unaware of it! - Brighton and Hove's army of digital and creative businesses.

The agreement is also a massive victory for the thousands of citizens who have been campaigning to defend the rights of internet users through blogging and correspondence with their elected representatives. Access to the internet is a fundamental right and proper procedures must be followed when challenging internet users on alleged copyright infringement. It is now up to national governments to respect this.

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