‘Indefensible' TPIMs are control orders rebranded

Ahead of a debate in Parliament on the Government's Terrorism Prevention and Investigation Measures (TPIMs) Bill, MP for Brighton Pavilion, Caroline Lucas said:

"It is deeply concerning that, despite making pre election promises and voting against the controversial - and now widely discredited - control order regime, the Coalition Government is today trying to push through a Bill which merely rebrands the worst aspects of that failed regime.

"Despite the spin which has accompanied this Bill, it contains the same fundamental mechanism of detention.

"Restrictions on a terrorist suspect whilst further investigations continue will, in many circumstances, be reasonable and in the public interest. But what is offensive about control orders and their close relations, TPIMs, is that they are imposed by the Executive - not by a court of law.

"This continuation of a system of Government detention is neither effective nor just. And the fact that the Bill also seeks to remove the annual ‘sunset clause' to make this indefensible deviation from the rule of law permanent is real cause for alarm.

"All those Liberal Democrats and Conservatives who opposed the previous Government's control orders as disproportionate and ineffective should now stay true to their principles and vote against TPIMs."

Caroline concluded: "As we approach the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, we should be learning the lessons of the past - not repeating the policy mistakes which have, at times, seriously undermined our country's commitment to civil liberties."


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