James Paice MP
Minister of State for Agriculture and Food
Nobel House
17 Smith Square
London SW1P3JR
7 July 2011
Dear James,
I am writing to call for changes to the Welfare of Animals Regulations, which currently leave room for animals in abattoirs across the UK to suffer cruelty and mistreatment.
Footage compiled by Animal Aid last year exposes routine breaches of animal protection laws - animals being kicked, hit, goaded, sworn at and stood on. The footage uncovers scenes that include pigs being kicked in the face, sheep thrown to the floor, cows being stood on to keep them still when partially stunned, pigs and sheep being stunned and allowed to come round and even being taken to the knife while still partly conscious.
The individuals involved in the recorded acts were dealt with accordingly; their licenses revoked and several prosecuted. Clearly, however, this is a more systemic issue and there is a need for more robust regulation of activity in slaughterhouses to end this horrifying behaviour. In particular there are three recommendations outlined by Animal Aid that could make a significant difference to the state of affairs. Firstly, for CCTV to be installed in all UK slaughterhouses and access to the footage given for review by an independent panel. Secondly, for all slaughterhouse staff to undergo retraining and formal assessment eg every three years. Thirdly, it should be illegal for anyone with convictions for violence, sexual offences or animal cruelty to hold a slaughter license.
I hope the Government can work to ensure that slaughterhouse conditions are improved and the suffering of animals passing through them is brought to an end.
Yours sincerely,
Caroline Lucas, MP, Brighton Pavilion
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